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Reading’s hard, Lets view Photos

January 20th, 2009

Here are some Photo’s from the past 2 weeks:

With Dad

With Dad

Here’s a photo of Ruby and dad.

As you can see, both of us have plenty of hair.

The white dot on the side of Ruby’s head is Velcro (TM) which helps hold Ruby’s shades onto her head.

Usually Ruby and Dad will have time together after she has eaten.

The astute among you may also see that I am sporting a pretty sweet mustache that was meant for Matt’s wedding.

Resting with soother

Resting with soother

Here is Ruby sleeping.

She is sporting a wool touque, and fleece vest.

You can also see her holding her own soother with her left hand.

This is a very advanced maneuver and probably means she has more of her mom than dad in her:)

Wearing shades

Wearing shades

Here’s Ruby under a UV lamp.Evidently almost all premature babies are deficient in something called “belly ruben” (sp?).  This has something to do with jaundice.  This condition has since cleared up

The white things on her eys are her shades.  I think they may be Oakley’s.

You can also see the IV in her head, I’m told that the head is often the easiest place for the nurses to find a vein to put the IV in.

The paste like substance on her face helps hold in a feeding tube that goes from nose to stomach.  The tube has since been removed.

Kent eating
Kent eating
This is our cat Kent.

He has nothing to do with Ruby, he’s just on here because he is basically awesome in every way.

In this photo you can see his vertical black stripes in his coat.

I’m no vet but I believe these are racing strips and they help Kent to run fast.

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  1. ryan
    January 22nd, 2009 at 19:00 | #1

    Racing stripes are soooooo cool!

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