
Posts Tagged ‘Chris’

Chris is omnipotent

January 23rd, 2009 745 comments

So what do superman and I have in common?

We can both be in more than one place at the same time.

My brother Matt is getting married this weekend and due to Ruby’s early appearance I won’t be able to attend the wedding, it’s in Guelph.

So my family, being my family, did the next best thing.

  1. They got a picture of me
  2. blew it up to life size
  3. tiled it across 8 large sheets of paper
  4. printed it out
  5. and glued it to a large piece of cardboard.

So come Saturday afternoon I may be standing up with my brothers as a groomsman after all.

The original picture had me holding Marla’s pregnant stomach.  Marla has since been cut out of the picture so now it just looks like I’m trying to grab everyone’s package:)

I can’t possibly see that getting abused at the reception:)

If you would like your own life sized Chris Holliday cut out please feel free to contact Marla, she will be distributing them.

I hear it’s the hottest gift you can get your lady friends for this years valentines day.

Cardboard Chris and Real Dan

Cardboard Chris and Real Dan

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