
Posts Tagged ‘Photos’

The week in Photos

January 26th, 2009 Comments off

Bundled up

Bundled up

This is how you sleep when you’re trying to conserve body heat.I guess there’s something about being squished in a womb for 9 months 7 and half months that makes this comfortable.I just don’t get it.

Ruby smiling

Ruby smiling

This is as close as Ruby has come to having her first smile.Also shown in this photo is an anonymous person who didn’t want this photo posted because “she[sic] looks awful”.Thanks to the miracles of modern technology we can post this great photo of Ruby and no one has to know who the mysterious stranger holding Ruby is.

Bath time

Bath time

We got to give Ruby her first bath on Saturday.

Ironically this picture shows the nurse bathing her.

Come to think of it all I really got to do for the bath was to get Ruby’s water ready and with that task I was sent back to do it again because the water wasn’t warm enough.

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New pictures of the “Rubster”

January 23rd, 2009 10 comments

Holding Soother

Holding Soother

Here is Ruby showing off again.

She’s holding a soother in her mouth while shuffling a deck of cards with here feet**

** Not shown, her feet.

Reading with dad

Reading with dad

Here is Ruby enjoying her favorite evening pastime, reading to daddy.

She will often help him when he gets stuck on some of the larger words.

Sleeping peacefully

Sleeping peacefully

Pretty cute, enough said:)

Talk to the hand

Talk to the hand

Ruby’s saying good bye.

Don’t be alarmed if it looks like she only has 3 fingers.  Her thumb is doing some weird sort of blending with her index finger.

We assure you she has all her digits.

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Reading’s hard, Lets view Photos

January 20th, 2009 1 comment

Here are some Photo’s from the past 2 weeks:

With Dad

With Dad

Here’s a photo of Ruby and dad.

As you can see, both of us have plenty of hair.

The white dot on the side of Ruby’s head is Velcro (TM) which helps hold Ruby’s shades onto her head.

Usually Ruby and Dad will have time together after she has eaten.

The astute among you may also see that I am sporting a pretty sweet mustache that was meant for Matt’s wedding.

Resting with soother

Resting with soother

Here is Ruby sleeping.

She is sporting a wool touque, and fleece vest.

You can also see her holding her own soother with her left hand.

This is a very advanced maneuver and probably means she has more of her mom than dad in her:)

Wearing shades

Wearing shades

Here’s Ruby under a UV lamp.Evidently almost all premature babies are deficient in something called “belly ruben” (sp?).  This has something to do with jaundice.  This condition has since cleared up

The white things on her eys are her shades.  I think they may be Oakley’s.

You can also see the IV in her head, I’m told that the head is often the easiest place for the nurses to find a vein to put the IV in.

The paste like substance on her face helps hold in a feeding tube that goes from nose to stomach.  The tube has since been removed.

Kent eating
Kent eating
This is our cat Kent.

He has nothing to do with Ruby, he’s just on here because he is basically awesome in every way.

In this photo you can see his vertical black stripes in his coat.

I’m no vet but I believe these are racing strips and they help Kent to run fast.

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